Andrew Jackson Persuasive Essay

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During the Battle of Hanging Rock, which was part of the Revolutionary War, a young kid was captured by the British and taken prisoner. He was always rebellious, but when commanded, he refused to clean Major Coffin's boots, earning himself a slash across the face with a sword and a permanent scar. (Schweikart) The story of the boy who stood up to the British spread like wildfire invoking the patriotism that can only come from youth. This boy grew up to be the seventh president, Andrew Jackson. Although times are different now, newspapers and websites alike would agree that Jackson was a cruel and unfit president. In this paper, I will seek to persuade you to look at history for yourself and make your own conclusions. While he did some inexcusable mistakes such as relocating the Indians, Jackson was as a suitable president for the following three reasons: he held the unstable union together, encouraged expansion into …show more content…

Jackson introduced the ideology of Manifest of Destiny. Manifest of Destiny was the idea that the United States was destined to expand from coast to coast in order to reach its potential. With this mindset, Jackson opposed any resistance to expansion, including that of the Indians. Although his methods were wrong and not to be justified, his intent was to expand the nation, which he was elected to care for. In order to make the west into a part of a modern nation, scientific exploration was necessary. During his second term in office, he signed a law that created and funded the Oceanic United States Exploring Expedition.(Anirudh) This set the stage for scientific growth in the new world, particularly in the field of oceanography. Jackson understood the need for growth in the U.S. and encouraged it by removing resistance and establishing a necessary scientific

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