Andy Warhol Research Paper

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Intro: Andy Warhol, a Chekloslavacian pop artist, used bright colors and silk-screen techniques to produce mass paintings. Pop art was very competitive, who could do what first. Warhol relied on commercial sources to get his art across to the public. He was born Andy Warhola, but due to a typo error in a published magazine he decided to permanently drop the "a", he has been dubbed "Pop art king". As things shifted away from abstract expressionism, Andy's goal was to show in the big leagues, a commercial artist by day and a painter by night. His first pop art painting ad. was a collage of ads for food and facial surgery. But then in 1962, he painted two different coke bottles, an abstract and a clean line design. After opinions form a friend, …show more content…

So Warhol decided to paint 32 different cans of Campbell's soup. Campbell's was the staple food item of the century in the US. Using projections and tight lines, Warhol was able to create lifelike paintings of America's comfort food. Despite selling individual pieces, in the beginning, Andy Warhol decided the collection looked best in a complete set and bought back the individual paintings. The paintings were done using polymer paint on 20x16" canvas, installed 3 inches between each, creating a wall of cans 97"hx163"w. The arrangement was left up to the gallery that was displaying them, and they chose to line them up in order of production. The only discrepancy the cans held was the label. Warhol said of Campbell’s Soup, “I used to drink it. I used to have the same lunch every day, for 20 years, I guess, the same thing over and over again.”(MoMA). Warhol has been accredited to being one of the best advertisers, as his images were lifelike, and the abundance replicated the feel of a fully stocked super market's shelf. Similar to how he depicted Coca-Cola, his talent with tone, lines, and shape, bring a hunger(or thirst) to the audience, leaving them wanting