Dent In The Diet Distinctively Visual Analysis Example

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As visually interesting as a can of Coke might be, there is no denying that in terms of shapes, details, tone, colour and even meaning, a crushed can is even more interesting, especially for the keen eye of an artist. The brand Coca Cola is a sheer symbol of American capitalism, advertising and some would even stretch to say an emblematic stand-alone to represent the consumerism of the entire nation. The iconic shape of a crushed can is a great choice for an artist to recreate, showing great tonal range throughout the folds and splits in the metal, with many dents to show variety in light and dark across the object.

Unlike Peter Slade’s work, Nancy Whitehead has approached the challenge in a different way. Whereas one image is super detailed, …show more content…

In the image, a dented, aluminium diet Coke can is placed in the foreground. The background is a dark blue colour, and gradually blurs, as it climbs up the painting, giving the effect of depth in the artwork and making the can stand out. The can is a silver colour and has a dent roughly around the middle, shown through the use of darker grey colours and other colours such as reds and yellows to show the effect of the reflections the can gives whilst looking at it. The logo is shown with great detail and has lighter and darker spots depending on its direction to the location of the light. There is a shadow at the bottom of the can to show it is placed on a table rather than floating in mid …show more content…

Instead, the artist has focused on the meaning of the company and not the object common shown in the light - the can. In his image Banksy shows a paragraph of his feeling of the company and the advertising effect they have on the audience as a whole. He states that ‘They owe you. They have rearranged the world to put themselves in front of you’ showing he believes that the brand Coca Cola has become so global that they effectively change your everyday decisions and place themselves in a higher position than you - the consumer. Their advertising is shown everywhere - tv, radio, social media, billboards and even Times Square, New York - where millions of people pass each day, who are drawn into the bright, persuasive colours of a bottle or can of Coca Cola. It is seen on almost every menu, drinks list and in every shop worldwide, so there's no doubt that when surveyed in 2021, the general public chose Coca cola as the single-handedly most famous drinks brand on the entire