
Animal Farm George Orwell Research Paper

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Eric Arthur Blair who later changed his name to George Orwell, was an english american author who was best known for his satirical fiction. Orwell was born in 1903 in Bengal, India. Already, at the age of just four, Orwell had written his first poem, though it wasn’t until he was eleven that he actually had published his first piece of work. Being the son of a British Civil Servant, Orwell moved around a lot, in fact it was just a year after he was born that he would be making his first move. In 1904 Orwell’s mother brought him and his older sister to Henley-on-Thames in England. His father on the other hand would remain in India because that was where he was stationed during that time. Orwell and his father never actually had a very strong relationship with one another because Orwell found his father to be rather unpleasant and dull. Orwell’s most famous pieces of work came from 1945 and 1949, 1945 being Animal Farm and 1949 being Nineteen Eighty-Four. One of the most unique things about Orwell’s work was that through his novels, he would base a lot of his information off of actual real world problems. In Animal Farm, Orwell retells the happening of the emergence and development of Soviet Communism in the form of an animal fable. The way Orwell conducted his work in …show more content…

The main theme in this book is communism, as that is represented in many more than one way throughout this novel. “Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others”(94). Orwell was able to publish his novel towards the end of the war eventually and the events that would later take place during the end of the war, were only going to help matters for Orwell such as the United States dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima. This event only helped Orwell get his point across to his

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