Animation: The Sixth Principle Of Animation

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The first principle of animation is squash and stretch. This principle gives an illusion of the characters weight (how skinny he is), facial expression, and volume of a animated character when moving. This principle makes the illusion more believable by making their facial expression more believable like in a cartoon where they squash or stretch their face to match their expression there showing and their weight when they walk giving them illusion that their skinny or huge like the roadrunner where the coyote gets flattened by that boulder making give illusion that he is flat as paper. Also it gives the animated character the volume showing that their huge, skinny, tall, small, wide, or thin like in movies where they have to stretch the characters bodies or squash it to give illusion that there that tall when they start to …show more content…

This principle is when a character is doing something in the beginning they take more frames than in the middle they use less frames than more frames in the end to show the effect of slow-in/out. This principle make the illusion more believable by making the audience believe that there slowing down or speeding up when the animated character is doing an action of some sort. They use slow-in/out to make the drawings more life like when they 're doing something like running fast in the beginning but slow in awhile. I can use this in my project by making the character show that there slowing down from the action they just did.

The seventh principle of animation is arc. This principle is to use for making a action more natural and better flow. This makes the illusion more believable by making people believe that their moving their head, arm, or eyes. This principle shows the character moving their body parts like their head, eyes, or arms to show that they are actually moving their body parts. I can use in a project when I have to make the drawing have to move in a basic way by using