Annotated Bibliography

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Lazaros, E.J. (2016). 21st Century skills: social and cultural police and detectives. Children’s Technology & Engineering, 20(3), 7-9. Retrieved from

This article covers the average Detective salary and the required education to become a Police Detective. The article also gives a list of certain departments a detective can join and specialize in. The article goes on to explain the current statistics in employment and what type of work to expect while on the job. This is scholar article and is relevant to my topic because it gives the run down of the required qualification and education to become a Police Detective. The articles intended audience is students or young adults who have an interest in becoming a Detective.

Bush, D.R., & Neely, P. (2015). Stress recognition in law enforcement organizations. American Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 53-58. Doi: Https://

In this article the author discusses the type of stressors a detective could be faced with and how it impacts how that detective performs their job. A study was conducted to evaluate an officers ability to function while in a stressful environment. A heart rate monitor was used to determine how well they performed in that type …show more content…

The author goes on to talk about how technology impacts an investigation and how detectives use technology to collect and record data. Future technology is also discussed in this article and how scientist predict future technology will produce more accurate results in cases. In the world today technology is not always right there is instances where technology have had negative results. This article is current and is a great source for my final project by giving me knowledge on how detectives use technology and science to complete their