Rudolfo Anaya –BIOGRAPHY On October 30, 1937, Rudolfo Anaya was born in the town of Pastura, New Mexico. He attended the school of Santa Rosa and a few years later decided to move to Albuquerque where he finished high school. He graduated with an English and Psychology degree from the New Mexico University. In 1963, he received a B.A. in English, in 1968 a M.A. in English and in 1972 a M.A. in guidance and counseling.
While reading Kathryn Walbert’s essay on primary sources I learned many important things. The first thing I learned was that primary sources are anything created for the purpose of studying that was created in historical times. The second thing I learned is that primary sources are important to read about because they are very important keys to what life was like in the past. This is very important because it gives you an in depth understanding of how life was and gives you more information on what you are trying to study. The third thing that I learned was that simply because something is made now from the historical time period doesn’t make that item a primary source.
In chapters six and nine of Annotations, Professor Bazian provides a historical analysis of the dichotomies within race (in Confronting Race in America ch.9) and religion and philosophies (in “Islamic Reformation” and the West living in Our Minds ch.6). In chapter six, he explores the idea of an “Islamic Reformation,” a European idea inspired by Martin Luther’s actions and his disagreement with the Catholic Church. There has been a push for “Islamic Reformation” on the basis of political and social reformation. But as previously noted, this idea was initially introduced by Europeans. Professor Bazian argues that the way this “Reformation” has been constructed is critical because it was initiated by an external agent and it is based on a European
The overall construction of the Constitution designates that Congress may not direct State officials: “The Framers explicitly chose a Constitution that confers upon Congress the power to regulate individuals,not States.” It is the President's job, under the Constitution, to oversee execution of federal laws, but “The Brady Act effectively transfers this responsibility to thousands of CLEOs in the fifty States, who are left to implement the program without meaningful Presidential control”. However, Justice John Paul Stevens argued that the majority opinion misinterpreted Congress's power under the Constitution. Congress may not wrest the powers that the Constitution reserves to the States, but when it exploits its legitimate constitutional powers,
Annotated Bibliography Bower, Alicia. " Constitutionally Crowded: Brown v. Plata and How the Supreme Court Pushed Back to Keep Prison Reform Litigation Alive." Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 45.2 (2012): 555-67. Academic Search Complete. Web.
I started to learn to create two citations between MLA “Work Cited” bibliography and one APA “References” Bibliography in Library class once a week. I am excited to learn about the citing sources as I did research other classes. I always made mistakes when I did a research paper and I had no idea how to create MLA style, and what was different between MLA format and APA format. The teacher taught me how to write in a paper format and use a Noodle Tools in a computer system.
How are you? We have an associate, Nadine, who is often down at USC and could be a great pairing for Julio—assuming you feel he’d be comfortable working with a female? Here is quick bio about her: Nadine Afari graduated with honors from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver with her Bachelor of Applied Science degree, followed by her Master of Arts degree in Philosophy of Science & Technology from the University of Toronto with a focus on complexity in the immune system. Currently, Nadine is a faculty member at USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate students research ethics, technical writing and oral presentation skills. She has served as the Director of the USC Young Scientist Program,
What is Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010? What is ACA’s contribution to health care reform? The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a federal statute signed into law in 2010, that is designed to increase access to health insurance, expand Medicaid eligibility, subsidize health insurance premiums, and provide incentives for businesses to provide health care benefits (Marco et al., 2012). ACA is a law that levels the playing field for all American to have access to health insurance.
Annotated Bibliography Primary source Gen. Irvin McDowell. 1855-1865. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. Web. 1 Apr. 2017.
Baek, Y. (2008). What hinders teachers in using computer and video games in the classroom? Exploring factors inhibiting the uptake of computer and video games. Cyberpsychology & behavior: The impact of the internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society, 11(6), 665-71.
Michelle Thezin Kong 25233914 Section 103 Annotated Bibliography Resource 1: Literature Review Dibble A, Miller N, Hinds J, and Fryday A. 2009. Lichens and bryophytes of the alpine and subalpine zones of Katahdin, Maine, I: Overview, ecology, climate and conservation aspects. The Bryologist 112(4): 651-672. Maine’s tallest peak, Katahdin, is covered by vast amount of the alpine and subalpine ecosystem and vegetation. The region contains a variety of bryophytes and lichen that have been around since the mid-1800s and for about 16 days from 2001 to 2004, researchers have been surveying the lichens and bryophytes of the area.
1. Research citation: a. Provide the research citation for the article in APA format. (1 point) Pelletier, J. E., Lytle, L. A., & Laska, M. N. (2015). Stress, Health Risk Behaviors, and Weight Status Among Community College Students. Health Education & Behavior, 43(2), 139-144.
Annotated Bibliography: Deinstitutionalization and Mental Health Vanessa Papania Kenneth Lam October 17, 2014 210827681 Statement about Essay: I plan to write my paper on deinstitutionalization and mental health policies. Mental health is such a large issue in Canada and affordable care is scarce. I plan to discuss the stigma around mental health, the lack of accessibility of care for mentally ill patients, strategies for justice and equity for the mentally ill, mental health promotion and the next steps. Reference 1: Yearwood-Lee, E. (2008).
Browne, Kevin, and Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis. " The Influence of Violent Media on Children and Adolescents: A Public-health Approach. " The Lancet 365.9460 (2005): 702-10. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.
1.7 Structure This thesis comprises seven chapters. The introduction chapter (Chapter 1) offers an outline of the argument and research concepts. The literature review in the following chapter (Chapter 2 and 3) elaborates the background knowledge underlying the theoretical framework of this thesis, which is relevant to the three themes, namely the ‘dynamics of international partnerships’, ‘entrepreneurial culture and international partnerships’, and ‘international partnerships in a Japanese context’. Chapter 2 will discuss issues of globalization and internationalization affecting higher education generally recognized in the literature.