Annotated Bibliography

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Rajaraman, V. "Cloud Computing." Resonance 19.3.(2014): 242-258. SringerLink. Web. 9 June 2014.
This journal article explain how cloud computing being widely used in a large number of organization. This journal article has a clear definition about cloud computing, services available, the infrastructure and the type of cloud computing that available in the market. Also this article journal explain what the benefits of using cloud computing and the risk being faced when use cloud computing. The author also suggesting which application or information that appropriate was being deployed to cloud computing.

Thiruvathukal, George K. and Parashar, Manish "Cloud Computing." Computing in Science & Engineering 15.4.(2013): …show more content…

“Cloud Storage for Digital Preservation: Optimal Uses of Amazon S3 and Glacier.” Library Hi Tech. Vol 33 Iss 2(2015): Emerald Insight. 30 May 2015.
The purpose of this paper is to explain how almost every academic library, archive, and museum has some digital initiatives to make their unique materials available on the Internet for access. Best practices and digitization standards have been published and adopted by libraries, museums and archives to produce high-quality uncompressed digital surrogates. In addition, the new trend of preserving born-digital big data from research requires a way to store and save these critical data for the future.

Adjei, Joseph.K.”Explaining the role of trust in cloud computing.” info, Vol.17 Iss 1 (2015): pp 54-67. Emerald Insight. 30 May 2015.
The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of trust in cloud computing services based on empirical evidence from interviewing executives of financial institutions in Ghana. The paper answers the questions: what is the role of trust in cloud computing service acquisition, and what policies promote trusted cloud computing services. Developers of cloud computing solutions that are targeted at corporate users must focus on a system that enhances their trustworthiness, as it is a primary criterion for user