Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography
Azócar, Fernando, Susana Pallarés, Yago Ramis, Clara Selva, and Miquel Torregrosa. "Olympic Athletes Back to Retirement: A Qualitative Longitudinal Study." Psychology of Sport and Exercise 21 (2015): 50-56. Web. 18 Sept. 2016. This article recounts the ten-year study of 15 Olympic athletes, some of which participated or had dual careers in different sports and the rest only focusing on a single sport. Studies showed that athletes who retired and played multiple sports had a more successful retirement because of another passion that they could focus on, while athletes with one sport had a more problematic transition. This article demonstrates the successful psychological influence a different activity other than the athlete’s main sport can have on the retiree. This article will help me exemplify the causes of a difficult change from being one of the op athletes in the world to being an average person. …show more content…

"Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator." N.p., Feb. 2016. Web. 19 Sept. 2016. During this ted talk, Tim Urban describes why people tend to procrastinate. Procrastination is due to the conflict between immediate satisfaction and long-term satisfaction. Also, he explains how the lack of an immediate deadline causes people to push off work in order to make way for activities that gives them instant pleasure. This relates to the fact that after athletes retire, they no longer have a competition, a game, or a meet to prepare for which causes them to push off exercising at their maximum and leads to physical deterioration and a lack of athletic identification. This article will help me explain why athletes stop working out after they retire due to them not having a purpose to keep training. The lack of training leads to misidentification as an athlete and reduction in physical abilities, which causes a more difficult shift to being a non-athlete without coping

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