Annotated Bibliography: Generational Differences

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Annotated Bibliography Popular media and press often believe that the generational differences have an important impact on work-related issues. However, Costanza et al 2012 have conducted a meta-analysis (a quantitative review of previous research) of generational differences in work-related attitudes and eventually suggest that the relationship between them is minimal, small and work - related criterias are largely imputable to other contributors. The authors conduct 20 studies allowing for 18 generational pairwise comparison of 4 generations: Traditional (1920-1940), Baby boomers (1947-1963), Generation Xers (1960-1978), Milliennial (1975-2000) on three work-related attitudes: job satisfaction, commitment, turnover intention The main finding of the research is based on 3 patterns. In terms of job satisfaction, older generations are partly more satisfied with their job than younger generations but the figure is varied. Similarly, in terms of organization commitment and the turnover intention, there is still small difference between chronological age …show more content…

Also, the authors investigate 95 existing studies, which is the small number of studies and only chose 20 qualified studies which provide relevant information. In addition, nearly 60% of given studies were non-published work. Despite all the listed-above limitations, the article is still useful to me because it has useful implications. Future research should emphasize more on work-related issue and make more comparison between different age groups and need to fully understand about the definition of generation and their effects on work-related issues. The article is useful because organizations and businesses can focus and fully understand about their employee’s needs so they can develop strategies to recruit, retain and motivates employees rather than treating employees purely based on their generational