Annotated Bibliography Of Music

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Rainbow of Music

Annotated Bibliography

Ballad Mary, Bazzini G, Doris, Dodson R, Alan. “Genre of Music and Lyrical Content: Expectation Effects.” The Journal of Genetic Psychology, Dec 1999. Web. 24 Feb. 2016. In this reference the authors designed a study to examine people’s individual behavior regarding how music effects a person positively or negatively. In the media there is a biased towards certain types of popular music such as metal, country, and rap. The authors further analyzed those genres of music to have little or no negative impact on the listeners, and if the content of a song would affect listeners behavior. In their studies it was shown that rap was less likely to inspire pro-social behavior, but is more likely to inspire …show more content…

It participated in the birth of new movements and contributed to the development of new countercultures. It had an impact on Western punk, rap, and pop, and also inspired some of the first rappers in the USA.

Hartman, Gary. “Country Music.” Country Music. Texas State Historical Association, 12 June 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2016. Gary Hartman defines how country music is rooted in our culture, and how it stems back as far as folklore, and Welsh poetry. Modern country has been influenced by a variety of ethnic groups and from different regions of the world. Country music spread due to the increasing availability of radios, moving pictures, and phonographs, which before was limited. Texas had an important role on the transformation of country as the Mexican government brought over black slaves and white southerners, who would have a significant impact because of their southern folk culture.

Sanjek, David. "Hip-hop." Encyclopedia of American Studies. Ed. Simon Bronner. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. Credo Reference. Web. 18 Feb.