
Annotated Bibliography Report

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Kyle Gillespie
Israel Pastrana
AB Draft 2
21 January 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Topic: How migration patterns and policies in the old Soviet Bloc have played a major role in forming the cultural-political atmosphere in Eastern Europe and Russia today.
Garrison, George P. "The First Stage of the Movement for the Annexation of Texas." American Historical Review 10.1 (1904): 72-96. Web. This journal article concerns the annexation of Texas and makes the claim that the process of annexation was inevitable and a result of the politics within Texas as opposed to the U.S. government. To do this, the article makes the sub-claim that the large Anglo-Saxon demographic found in Texas following the homesteading of Americans in the Spanish and …show more content…

The perspective of this article will of course have to be taken into consideration as although this is an article with some cited research in a respected newspaper it like most articles still has an opinionated aspect to it. The insight and background it gives into the Russian side of the issue will be useful in relating the in Pirie’s article in how Russia see’s these ethnic Russians living in the old soviet bloc as being stranded and in need of rescue from countries where they have become marginalized by the newly democratic governments. It will also show the effects of the migration described in Messina’s article in the field of Russian politics and public opinion. Additionally the attitude that this is more an issue of Russian nationalism as opposed to actual Russians living in these areas who want to join the federation gives an opposition to my argument that this is more an effect of soviet imperialism in the past as opposed to something entirely new being implemented by …show more content…

Expanding the argument on a more personal level can help me to look at the issue in a different way, as a matter of families and people as opposed to a matter of nation-states and mass demographics. This book contains a bibliography that spans twenty three pages and cites many reliable sources and studies. This source relates, as I previously stated to the article but it "National Identity and Politics in Southern and Eastern Ukraine". I plan on finding more sources maybe more specifically on the views of the non-Russians in these situations so I could relate the two to look more at the clash of cultures. I’ll probably read into some more chapters in the book as it has a good amount of

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