Annotated Bilbo Sleep Essay

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Sleep is essential in this story, especially for the hobbits. Hobbits absolutely love their leisure time. It is one of their cherished joys. To have time in the day that you are able to relax and just take a break from daily activities. They valued their sleep and their daily routines. These routines usually include enough sleep to be energized and ready to start their day. During Bilbo’s trip or journey, he got very little sleep, but he was able to change and adapt to sleeping rarely. As food and sleep come very rarely while on their adventure, Bilbo is able to adapt to sleeping very lightly and sleeping very little. In “The Hobbit,” sleep is cherished, including while on the road on their adventure, but some of the time, it is not. An example of this is …show more content…

Then, a deer scares Bombur, and he falls into the river. Bombur is then safely hauled out of the water; however, he is fast asleep. They shake him, but he will not wake up. Their only choice is to carry him, which is difficult because he is the most giant dwarf. As Bombur was sleeping blissfully, all the other dwarves were struggling to carry him as they continued on their journey. At night, everyone (including Bilbo) was expected to take watch shifts. Many nights were sleepless, either because of night shifts or because of the haunting creatures around them. Many times, sleep only came when they were cursed or if they had been knocked unconscious. In the War of the Five Armies, Bilbo was knocked out. He had been hit in the head with a stone, and he had been knocked unconscious for the rest of the war. Many times, Bilbo was caught missing from his home. He was missing his daily routine and his leisure time. He missed how much food he was able to eat and all of the sleep he was not getting. After Bilbo had gone on his adventure, he was a changed hobbit. At the beginning of the book, he is just a spoiled hobbit. In the end, he was much more than