
Anthony Flew And Gary Habermas Discus

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The idea of faith is one that prevails all societies and all time. Faith by definition is the belief in that which we cannot see. Throughout the many religions of the world people believe in a God(s), which they cannot see. In the book ‘EVERYTHING: world’s religion book’ we see that many religions around the world have his same definition when describing their belief in the God(s) of their faith. In Christianity one must have faith in the in order to gain access to an after life of eternal bliss in heaven. In Christianity their faith lies in not only the God of the Jewish tradition but also in the fact that he sent his son Jesus to walk the earth and that he was resurrected after three days in the tomb. For Christians having this faith in God and Jesus is the only way to …show more content…

Reason is best defined as a logical explanation or justification of an event. Anthony Flew believes that there is no way the resurrection actually happened, as there is no such think as a miracle. Gary Habermas on the other hand explains that there is reasonable evidence that the resurrection did happen and it happened the way it is said to have happened in the Bible. According to Anthony Flew, there is no way that miracles such as the resurrection could not have happened since there is no scientific evidence that the event could have happened. Flew states that the story of the resurrection is nothing more than the hallucinations and stories made up by the grief stricken apostles following the death of Jesus. Flew states that there is no reason the people at the time should have had faith in the resurrection as it is not scientifically possible for a man to come back from the dead and by all accounts Jesus was dead. He argues that if Jesus had come back from the dead that his disciples would have called for a doctor as he had been badly beaten not praised him as

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