Ants On A Log Analysis

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At Camp Kern I learned some pretty important things about myself and others. What I learned about myself and how I communicate is that when I communicate in a group, it's usually to bring up a new idea or to maybe lead the group and help them out. Some people I learned more about where Kaycee and Emily in my morning group, and Katie in my second group. What I learned about Emily is that she usually comes up with where to go and what to do, like how to solve a problem. I learned that Kaycee is more of a follower type of person. She usually went along with what others said, not putting up her own ideas. In the afternoon when we did the Ants On a Log, I learned a lot about Katie. She stood up, became the leader, and solved how to do the problem. She came up with the “walking over the people” and lead that activity. …show more content…

The only negative to this, though, was that some people wouldn’t listen and walk around the area, making it harder to land on the stumps. It got to a point where almost everyone was yelling at the person, because of how much it annoyed us to see someone not listening to the rules and others, not paying attention, and not helping others out. We did finish the activity rather quickly with just some minor, pesky annoyances. In the third activity we did, where we all had to balance on a wooden platform, again, the same person wouldn’t listen to the rules, doing what our activity guide told us not to do, like touching the platform, or bouncing up and down on the platform, making it touch the ground. We also managed to finish this, but it took us a bit longer were supposed to do. Katie also took the role of the leader, telling people how to get on, when to move, and how slow or fast to go. This is what I learned more about some of the people I was in groups with and