Aphrodite In Greek Mythology

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Aphrodite is a Beautiful Goddesses that no one is sure of where she came from. Aphrodite has two Origin stories. The first story is that she was born the daughter of Zeus and a goddesses names Dione, the titan goddesses, in Iliad. Her 2nd origin story is that she from the sea. It is said that when Cronus went after his father, Uranus, he cut off his father’s genitals, Cronus threw his Uranus’s genitals in the sea near Cythera. Thus created Aphrodite. In the book Mythology it says “she is said to sprung from the foam of the sea.”
Aphrodite is said to represents sex, affection, fertility and the attraction that binds two people together. She represented that well. Aphrodite attracted all men gods or not and slept with man. She married Hephaestus

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