The Apostle Paul: The Law Of Grace

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Apostle Paul: the Holy Spirit used the apostle Paul to inscribe, to this brilliant example of literature on the grace of God. Paul was his Greek name, whereas Saul was his Jewish name. Paul wrote that he had been put in the ministry. He was separated unto the gospel, and made a prisoner of Jesus. As an apostle, he was born of due time or the time when Christ-sent apostles were chosen by Jesus. He was made an apostle of Jesus because he was trustworthy in character, and thus, he was able to assume the responsibility of being one of the major leaders of the church in the 1st century.
According to the purposes for which Paul wrote, the letter of Romans can be divided into three sections;
(1). we are justified by grace (1-8). Because of the Jewish influence on the disciples in to Rome, the concept of legal justification was affecting the thinking of the disciples. Judaism proposed that one was justified by meritorious keeping of law in conjunction with atonement for sin by meritorious deeds. This system of justification, commonly referred to by Bible students as legalism, had made significant inroads into the church. This thinking attacked the grace of God, and thus, Paul wrote in chapter 1-8 a defense of the fundamental principle that men are saved by the grace of God.
(2). …show more content…

The law used as a meritorious means of justification always results in sin and death. The law resulted in sin in the sense that no one can keep the law perfectly in order to be justified before God. With the law comes sin, (3:9-10). And with sin comes spiritual death, for sin separates one from God. Therefore, when discussing the law, the concept of sin and death must always be in one’s definition of the law. We understand that the law was never given as a means of salvation. It cannot bring salvation in and of itself because all men sin against the law. There have been always sin and death in reference to the

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