Apple Code Of Ethics And Stakeholders

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Every person has a sense of conscience to know the differences between what is right and wrong, which also goes for major corporate companies as well, perhaps even more. Companies has a duty to their employees, stakeholders, even society to maintain their integrity to perform in ways that are beneficial with society in mind. For many people look up to these companies for inspiration, depending on them for quality, performance, just overall high expectation to better the world for tomorrow. Take Apple Inc for instance, Apple is a well-known company that is of a high standard to some people however they lack awareness to instill policies to resolve issues that may be unknown to the public. For instance, they fail to take responsibility for their actions as it pertains to shareholder wanting committees to address environmental issues, human and labor rights, and health and safety issues. Apple products are known worldwide for their products such as the popular iPhone, …show more content…

Employees are the biggest stakeholder for a company for it were not for employees, a company would cease to exist. Too often are employee abused and taken for granted by their employer, which is what an Apple supplier, Foxconn, did to their employees manufacturing Apple products. At Foxconn, it is stated in the case study, employees worked long hour, approximately seventy hours in a week, faced discrimination by management, worked in hazardous conditions, underage workers, and denied the right to socialize with other employees. These are very unfair and inhumane conditions for any human being to work, which is the possible cause of the thirteen suicides that occurred between 2009 to 2010. When former CEO, Steve Jobs, was asked about the incident he claimed the facilities were fine and the suicide were due to poor management which is not sufficient response for the cause of these