Apple's Stereotypes

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In a house of four people and two of them being teenage girls, diversity is inevitable. Different opinions stretch from things as simple as colors, to things as important as career choices. The variety of selections gives the opportunity for opinions to differ in phone brands. Those choices being polar opposite. I wish I knew what drove my sister down the horrific path of Apple products. However, I do not and no matter how much proof she receives, she does not learn because iPhones are pretty. To her, beauty hurts, even if the pain is in her wallet. Apple is the product society knows and knows for being this marvelous company that is far ahead in technological breakthroughs. The reality of Apple’s reputation is purely smart marketing, not technological breakthroughs. They have created an ignorant following of people …show more content…

Then there are a few people who receive a box rather than an emoji, or do not see the balloons when you type “Happy Birthday”. This is because Apple decides that old iPhones no longer can update and must be upgraded to function properly. Then you get a text from someone and you do not know who it is. The way they speak sounds familiar yet the number has no contact name. Then you realize, the update Apple forced on you, deleted half of your contacts. You could call to complain however, the Apple Warranty does not protect you. It protects them from people that have an issue with their products. Once your phone is outdated by Apple standards, and you purchase your next one, turn on the phone and notice the first requirement for your Apple ID. It is a credit card number, because they did not get enough money out of you in the purchase of the phone and new accessories needed for it to function. They need this number in order to charge your card for apps that are free on Google Play. One of many things Android offers for less