Applying For A Degree In The Book 'Chav' By Owen Jones

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I am applying for a degree in Sociology as it is a fascinating subject which allows me to learn about the world we live in and how parts of our identities shape our experiences and opportunities. I am particularly interested in the experience of different classes and how middle class values are favoured and rewarded by institutions in society, while the working class are socialised into passively accepting their status, being exploited into working long hours for low wages to support the continuation of capitalism. This prompted me to carry out further reading, and the book "Chav" by Owen Jones particularly resonated with me and alerted me to the extent of the prejudice and disdain towards the "the underclass", and many other issues of poverty. Being a sociology student also sparked an interest in feminism when learning detailed studies about patriarchy with women being oppressed even in their own homes, such as in statistics of domestic abuse and Ann Oakley's theory of the triple shift. From this, feminism is now a concept I strongly identify with. …show more content…

I was particularly enthused by the Psychopathology topic as mental illness affects 1 in 4 people and is a very prominent issue in society so I was very curious to learn more about the symptoms and causes of different psychological disorders. Furthermore, Psychology has equipped me with critical thinking skills and the ability to make convincing arguments as evaluation is a crucial part of