
Are Dress Codes In Mexico Public Schools Beneficial

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Is Enforcing Dress Codes for Students Beneficial? All people have experienced having a dress code at some point in their life. Whether at school, church or even work, dress codes have been a controversial topic for many people. As far as schools, according to an article by the Eric Education Government, “Opinions abound on what students should wear to class. Some see student dress as a safety issue; others see it as a student-rights issue” (Wendell). Mexico Public Schools is one of the few schools in the United States that does not enforce a dress code for its students. Therefore, many students lack the proper attire for professional situations. Mexico Public Schools should enforce dress codes for the students because they promote the professionalism …show more content…

According to an article by Agilus Work Solutions, “A dress code is one of the most important steps to follow, to set yourself up for the basics of professionalism. If you’re unwilling to present yourself as a professional, it could bleed into your work and others’ perceptions of you as an employee” (Osborne). Dress codes influence students to dress appropriately and maturely so that essentially, as students excel in high school, they are prepared to be professional. The way someone dresses say a lot about their personality which is why it is a good idea for students to be influenced to dress professionally if they want to be successful.
Dress codes prevent people from wearing inappropriate attire because it limits access to certain clothing, accessories, and hairstyles. As for education, students need to be guided as to what is proper to wear while representing the school. The main idea behind a dress code is to ban clothes that appear to be revealing, controversial, threatening, and distracting. Enforcing dress codes in Mexico Public Schools would influence the students to dress appropriately with respect for themselves and others. According to an article by the Bonneville Academy …show more content…

Students can have respect for others by not distracting them or promoting poor behavior by having limited access to what is allowed to be worn. A common counterargument to this statement is that dress codes do not promote students to be more professional in a school. However, according to an argument by the Top Buttons Organization,
Dressing in pajamas at school will likely result in a more relaxed and less attentive student. That actually makes sense. Putting on all the newest, stylish running gear plus a pair of new Nike shoes, may inspire one to run faster and longer. That makes sense too. What about boho and relaxed clothing in the workplace? ... What about seductive and revealing clothing on our daughters? Will it encourage our daughters to behave more provocatively? (Powers)
The way students dress inevitably has a direct correlation to the way they act. When a student dresses inappropriately, it is very likely that they will act as if. When a student dresses professionally, likewise, they will act professionally. It is up to a school to promote professionalism when students get their education and the biggest influence from

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