Self-Evaluation Case Study Jane Kravitz

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1. Are self-evaluations being hurt?
Self Evaluations are the perceptions of one’s ability to compete, their capabilities and overall picture of themselves. Jane Kravitz showcases tremendous confidence in her capabilities and wants to succeed in her role as the Strategic Product Manager of Jensen shoes. To shed more light into this context let us discuss the various self evaluations of Jane which hurt her more than it helped:-
Self efficacy is the belief of an individual to accomplish their desired goals. In the case, Jane is of the opinion that she can get Lyndon Brooks to finish the assigned task by handling him in an effective manner. Her confident approach will help her in finishing the work even in difficult conditions. Nurturing, directing …show more content…

However, when Brooks failed to deliver on his objectives, and started rejecting her repeated attempts to convince him, she saw him in a new light with a halo (effect) of incompetence. She also saw him as a contrast to her other colleagues Cheryl and Larry who had won Chuck’s appreciation. However she ought to be credited for not falling into the trap of developing an anchoring bias against Brooks based on Chuck’s briefing.
The very fact that Jane assigned the strategic objectives without consulting her team shows her operating on her perception that they would be comfortable in working on areas close to their previous assignments. In Brooks case, she kept pushing for the African American objective till the end, suggesting a tendency to use stereotyping as a short cut while making decisions, and that she is susceptible to availability bias.
It further appears that both of them attached far higher significance and priority to the environmental project over the strategic objectives as against the management’s view. They also rated the work far too optimistically and felt it would help establish Brooks’ credibility in the organisation, showing a kind of confirmation bias.
Chuck’s unenthusiastic estimates of Brooks capability and the performance evaluations also appear to have become a self fulfilling