Reflection Self Assessment

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Reflection Self-Assessment As a student I have learned over the course learn more than I thought I would have thought possible. The career report allowed me to reach and find the career I want to enter after college as a preservation historian. This is going to be a reflection on the writing proses I had for the career report. My writing proses was done in three parts. The first part of my writing proses was to find recourses to use. The second part was to write an outline and the third was to write it out as a rough draft/ proof reading then the final piece. The first part was finding the recourses for information to site in the report. I use the CRAAP proses in deciding if the website was well enough to use. This part took more time another then the other parts because there was information I needed that I didn’t know such as wages, benefits, and the extent of schooling of my career as a preservation historian. As for the thesis development I try having on the summarized my report in just …show more content…

The resources flowed in to the report they didn’t seem to be pasted in last minute. Always another strength I had was providing examples that relate to each of the topics mentioned in the report. While adding enough detail to each example without it going off on rant. I showed organization with in the report’s content using appropriate style for the report. The weaknesses within the report are in some areas it really showed there wasn’t enough time put into the writing because I didn’t put in the time to write it well. Another weakness I in counted is the lack of explanations on some areas of the report mostly in the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Both lacked a why or reason to the topic such as why do preservation historian don’t make as much as other professions. My report had details but not a lot of an explanation on those details. This made me not able to reach the required length for the

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