Are Younger Employees More Likely To Be Motivated By Very Regular Pay Increases On A Regular Basis?

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8.17) How can HR administer a complex pay structure that rewards pay increases on a regular basis?
When HR is considering adapting a pay structure that rewards pay increases on a regular basis, the department has several duties to accomplish and research to investigate.
Firstly, a survey salary should be implemented in order to figure out the salary offered to employees in the same position, whether inside or outside the organization.
Secondly, the HR department should assess the importance of this job or position relative to the organization. If it is of a big importance and weight, it must be taken into consideration when setting the payment salary.
Add to that, the HR should also take the employee’s skills and efforts when deciding on a pay or raise or bonus because when his/contribution to the organization is high, a compensation should be given in return.
In that way, a complex pay process would be implemented that will ensure the balance between internal and external equity within the organization.

8.18) Why are younger employees more likely to be motivated by very regular pay increases than older workers? …show more content…

In this stage of their lives, young employees are building their future and trying to climb the leader step-by-step in order to reach the peak. Usually, the peak is reached after years and years of hard work and willingness; this is where the older employees belong. These old employees have already benefitted from regular pay raises when they were considered young employees, and now they seek higher pay raises. This is why old workers are not so much motivated by regular pay increases like young ones because they already earn a relatively higher pay than the new

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