
Aretha Franklin And Elvis Compare And Contrast

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What makes a person special? The fact that they get judged by others and see them as that? Or the fact that they can overcome those judgments and criticisms and keep moving to make their dreams come true?
Both Aretha Franklin and Elvis faced hardships trying to become successful, Aretha dealt with equality on top of diversity while trying to make music, and Elvis dealt with people thinking his music was inappropriate and wanting to shut him down. But in the end, both artists turned out to be two of the greatest names in music and still are to this day because they didn’t give up on their dreams and what they believed in.
When people hear the name Aretha Franklin they can list off several songs including “Respect”, “A natural woman”, “Ain’t …show more content…

Not everyone has the same story which makes them so unique and different. Just like Aretha, Elvis was a hit from the start. Women were obsessed with him and men envied his popularity with ladies. Elvis never made a record that wasn’t a hit. Everyone loved his music, when a person has the talent and appeal that Elvis has, a hundred Ricky Nelsons can’t take it away from him” (Evening Star). Elvis has always been and will continue to be one of the greatest names of rock and rock known to man
The way he danced to his music, however, was what made people question him. When he would gyrate to his music on live television or wherever he may have been, officials were not happy with his dancing. Crowds of people thought that the way he danced we so inappropriate that Elivs should be shut down. That didn’t stop Elvis he persisted and kept going no matter what people said. Imagine if he listened to the people who disrespected his music and what that would be like. Who knows how big and great Elvis would have become if he had listened to those people and stopped trying to pursue his …show more content…

She died at the age of 46 because of a heart attack. Elvis was very close to his mother ever since he was born and his twin brother died at birth. All of that piled into one can be a lot for one person to take on whether you’re a kid or not. Elvis was able to funnel all that emotion he was feeling or had felt into his music, you could feel what he was feeling when he sang and had sympathy for him. Being such a great artist he was able to project his feelings into his music and spread that around to his fans and actually let them feel what he was

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