Argument Essay: The Cost Of College

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The thought of their future and what they plan on doing is always on the minds of middle school and high school students. They are constantly being bombarded by questions from their parents. Parents always want what’s best for their kids which is why they want their child to go to college, but there is always that one problem, the cost of the college, and how they are going to afford to go to college. The cost of college can be a huge burden which can lead the graduate to a total of $25,000 into debt which begs the question, is going to college really worth going into debt. It all depends on the student and what they get out of their college experience.
First of all the student really needs to consider what they plan on doing for a living. Then they need to see whether he or she needs any new skills in order to get their dream job and if they do have all the skills needed to acquire their dream job then they don’t really need to go to college. However, if the student still hasn't mastered the skills required for their job then they should go to a college that provides the opportunity to master all the skills needed and maybe an extra skill that he or she could use. …show more content…

As stated in an article by “In 2016, the average income for people 25 years old and older with a high school diploma was $35,615, while the income for those with a bachelor's degree was $65,482, and $92,525 for those with advanced degrees.” Plus college graduates have a higher employment rate than people who never went to college. Pew Research Center conducted a survey which showed that about nine in ten graduates have said that college has paid off. These are only a few of the many pieces of evidence showing that college is worth the cost, but like every argument, there is always another