Argument Essay: The Plus-Minus Grading System

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College is hard enough already. The addition of the plus-minus grading system at LSU this semester is an unnecessary stress on a hardworking student’s shoulders. Over the past couple of years, it had been rumored that a plus-minus grading system would be used at LSU. Unfortunately for students this rumor became a reality. Plus-minus grading was voted on by the Faculty Senate and won with an overwhelming majority of 26-14 (WWLTV). In argument for this new grading system, supporters stated that it will assign more accurate grades to students. This system will clearly define which students are going the extra mile and which are merely scraping by. Another rationale of those who supported this change stated that it would help LSU stack up to other schools …show more content…

The gold standard of education holds true at LSU, however, pretending as a community that our education standards should be compared to those of the Ivy League is out of the question. With this new grading scale, it will inevitably be harder to achieve high grades, therefore lowering the overall GPA of undergraduates. When the campus wide GPA is lowered, it not only affects the lives of current students, but it affects prospective students. The change to plus-minus grading could deter a student from even applying to LSU. Prospective college students are terrified enough as it is already, but after hearing about plus minus grading, they just may run for the hills. Nationally, there is no specific status quo for a collegiate grading scale. However, because this new grading scale at LSU is more competitive, it will make LSU students’ GPAs not on par with their peers from other schools. Because a student can now graduate with all A’s at LSU without receiving a 4.0, an LSU student would be at a disadvantage as opposed to their peers from other