Argument On Euthyphro's Dilemma

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Section 1: question 3
Euthyphro’s Dilemma is a modernized version of the question that Socrates askes in Euthyphro: “Are morally good acts willed by God because they are morally good, or are they morally good because they are willed by God?” This dilemma or argument proves or contradicts that the Divine command theory is wrong.
The following argument order was also discussed in class, but this sequence by Jonathan Pearce seemed like a better explanation. (1)
1. If divine command theory is true then either morally good acts are willed by God because they are morally good or morally good acts are morally good because they are willed by God.
2. If morally good acts are willed by God because they are morally good, then they are morally good …show more content…

Gaunilo argued, it's potential to construct associate in nursing argument with precisely the same type because the argument, that purports to prove the existence of the proper island: the proper island should exist, for if it failed too then it might be potential to create mentally associate in nursing island bigger than that island than that no bigger will be formed, that is absurd.
Kant’s counter argument was because of the fact that Anselm’s ontological argument rests on the judgement that a God that exists is larger than a God that doesn't, is confusing and counteracts itself in some way.

Question 9 Paley’s Theological argument likened the universe to a watch, with several ordered components operating harmonious to any some purpose. Even as the quality, order, and purpose of a watch imply intelligent style, he recommended, therefore too the quality, order, and purpose of the universe implies intelligent style. The argument as he made it's therefore associate in nursing argument from analogy. In class we discussed his argument and came up with the following sequence:
1. If an object has parts, precision, and complexity then it has Q a purpose
2. If an object has a purpose then it was either designed by a designer or produced by random natural processes
3. An object with a purpose can’t have been produced naturally
4. Object X has parts, precision, and