Argumentative Essay: Do Aliens Exist?

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Ever since humans acknowledged Space we have issued that the other planets in the galaxies are like earth. A major conspiracy on earth has been aliens. Many people believe that aliens exist, and there have been forms of evidence that in fact the do exist. There is proof that other planets in the galaxies have water, or livable. There is proof that aliens have came to planet earth, and proof of aliens visiting other planets in the galaxy. The world does not have truly believe in aliens because they try to cover up the evidence.
Everyone is made up of atoms that were part of a star that has atomic carbon, nitrogen and oxygen all necessary for living things. Over the years the atomic carbon, nitrogen and oxygen began to start making gas clouds …show more content…

In 2009 twins Audrey and Debbie believe that their alien abduction all started when they were 5. Audrey explains her experience with aliens: “I was probably about 5 years old or so and a bright blue light would come into the room and the door would open, and there would be like, a foggy kind of misty blue light, just shining through the whole house. And these two figures would come in. There would be a tall one, they had black capes, but they were bald and had big eyes.” (Kallen) The twins’ alien abductions continue over the years. Audrey explains her impressions: “We have been up in crafts and seen our house. So we realized they are not from here. They are very good at mind erasing or whatever you want to call it. They’ll leave you with bits of pieces of things you can remember. So we do remember certain things of being there together.” (Kallen) In 2005 a guy named Copeland experienced an alien abduction. He was walking home one night and saw a massive triangular ship floating above a store. Two years later Copeland encountered another alien sight. This time he pulled out his phone and recorded the sight and posted it on YouTube. Soon after he posted the video he heard a knock on the door, and when he didn’t answer the door it scratched and tried to open up the door. Copeland attempted to grab a gun by instantly felt paralyzed. Copeland began to have symptoms of alien encounters, he began writing down the missing