The Pros And Cons Of Entering A Public Bedroom

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Do you shop at Target? Do you use their bathrooms? Should transgendered humans be allowed to use whichever one fits their identity at that exact moment? Well this might be a question you don’t sit and ponder about, but in the past 4 weeks, this conversation has been the hype all over the United States. Male, Female, or even both, I personally don’t care which bathroom you use. Obviously not everyone can think this way. This was the point that everyone started talking about, but then they bring up other factors. I mean I do see all the sides to this so called “situation” but there are pros and cons to everything. When entering a public restroom, you naturally assume to see the same sex. But when you step in and see the opposite sex, you question yourself for the possibility of entering the wrong restroom. Target wanted to be excepting to all its LGBT shoppers and give them the choice to use whichever stall they feel meets their sex. Well in our 21st century, we sadly do not have people who are all about honesty. We have men and women who without hesitation could set up hidden cameras to spy and take pictures, or to saying the worst, try to kidnap someone and assault them in the restroom and when they come walking out of the same time, no …show more content…

"Target's policy is consistent with the message and core values that it's been projecting for years," Melissa Arnoff, senior vice president at Levick, a communications firm specializing in crisis and issues management, said, noting the company's past support of same-sex marriage and parenting, and its decision last year to stop labeling toy aisles by gender. (News n.d.) This just shows that Target has been against labeling and ha tried to slowly stop it, but once it got noticed about bathrooms, people want it to