Is college worth it? This is a question most high schoolers may consider right after graduation. College has significantly gone up in price over the years. Making most public colleges a minimum of 15,000 dollars and private colleges doubling that price. College has also become not just a money investment but also a time investment. To earn stable pay for most jobs you need to at least get your master in said degree. People should not be motivated to join colleges from the same pay grade, the time it takes, and the prohibitive costs it involves.
Even though people earn a college degree, people who do not have this degree are making the same pay grade. “The pay of people with a four-year college degree has risen compared to that of those with a high school degree but no college credit” (Leonhardt 33), this example helps prove that the jobs that do not require a degree allow them to make the same amount as if they did have a degree. Using this information based on how college and workforce pay have begun to become
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College does offer the ability of a safety net with money. But, the cost of college has risen in the past years, stopping students from being allowed to attend, and for most colleges you must have the money or have a loan right after graduation. A large amount of graduation students do not receive employment right away, making college troublesome with the payment side not truly benefiting the degree. From the article College is a Waste of Time it says, “The College Board Policy Center found that the cost of public university tuition is about 3.6 times higher today than it was 30 years ago” (Stephens 42), using this information students learn that colleges focus on the money aspect instead of making it affordable for the student. In summary, cost is one of the main factors at looking into college and paying off the debt gained up could take years, making college not worth