
Argumentative Essay On America

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America, commonly known as the land of the free, and home of the brave. Founded upon biblical principal and morals, and the desire for freedom, America is one of the greatest nations of earth. Today, American’s are ignoring their heritage and devaluing the morals this nation was founded up. Nearing the end of the middle ages, Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation. This event lead to the spiritual preparation required to found America as a country built on true biblical principal. Many fled to America for economic opportunities, a fresh start, to claim land, but most importantly for spiritual freedom. Without God working through the Protestant Reformation, America would’ve never been ready to become its own nation. America was founded …show more content…

The founding fathers acknowledged man’s sinful nature, and made laws and rules based on the Word of God with consequences to keep it. Our nation’s government is based on and influenced by many different types of government: Democracy, Republic, and Federalism. But most importantly it’s based on the Bible. Today, Americans forget and care less and less about their heritage and what this nation was founded upon. People are beginning to stray further away from God. At the beginning of our country, almost everything was based on God and his Word. There may be some laws that we may or may not disagree with. Even if we do disagree with it we should obey them. The only reason people should not obey a law is if it violates certain civil rights such as: religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and trial by jury. When such a law is made, a violent protest or revolution is never the answer. Doing such a thing would only cause more issues for the people that are affected. There are better ways of repealing or adding a law that has positive or negative effects. America has a government that governs us because we have put them in their position. It is governed by the people and for the people. Therefore, a petition or calm mannered protest would be much more beneficial to do rather than lashing out in

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