Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide

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The topic that is spoken about is Assisted Suicide. My secondary source is title Assisted suicide and the psychiatrist. This article came from the National Right of Life News, from Health Reference Center Academic. The article was publicized in September 2016. The article is roughly 13 paragraphs long with quotations from Dr. H. Steven Moffic. The second source is predominately about the roles of psychiatrist’s in assisted suicide. The article also talks about how medicine’s Hippocratic Oath has evolved. In the beginning the oath in the 1960’s stated how being a doctor you will not administrate a lethal injection, or perform an abortion. Yet today in the 21 century doctors are allowed to do both, and actually promoted in our civil rights. The claims that are made in this article are very credible. The …show more content…

The author cites her sources throughout her paper, and uses proper technique on quoting her sources. The author is qualified on speaking about this topic due to the fact that she is an advocate on Pro-life. Being pro-life is someone that opposed to abortion and euthanasia, although the topic is about assisted suicide her opinion is biased on the topic. Although she is biased the article is subjective on the topic discussing both sides and not pro-life nor pro-choice on assisted suicide. She uses doctor like Dr. H. Steven Moffic pro choice on assisted suicide. The opinions balance the perspective of the issue talked about in this article. The article brings an interesting point on the stance on assisted suicide saying how the cost of euthanizing someone is much cheaper then trying to keep the person alive. The article also stated how a generation known as the baby boomers are aging and as they are aging the cost of life for them is increasing while their health is decorating. The article is informative, and gives an opinion on a matter that is now a problem that is facing the medical