Arguments Against Assisted Suicide

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Shelby Alexander
Professor Tucker
English Comp II
5 March 2018 Dying with Dignity
Assisted suicide has been a controversial topic in the United States since 1906 (Chronology of Dying). Opposers argue that this is a gateway for abuse of powers and are worried about exploitation in the system. While, supporters argue that this will help end the drawn out suffering of many sick people already facing death. There is a way to make both parties happy if compromises are made. People suffering should have the choice to end the pain but also, it should come with stricter laws it makes it harder to abuse.
Opposers are scared that if assisted suicide was completely legal that there would be abuse in the system. “Experience tells us, from other …show more content…

Both opposers and supports bring good arguments to the table. Opposers worry about the abuse that comes along with it. While supporters are more concerned about the patients suffering. Assisted suicide should be completely legal but it should have strict requirements. While there are already laws in place in the states that have legalized it. Some laws include having to request it three times, twice verbally, and once written. Patients also, need to be diagnosed with six or less months to live by at least two doctors (Karaim). More laws can be put in place though to make both sides happy. Laws such as only certain doctors are specialized to give these drugs, counseling to go through before the death so it helps the family with coping, and a study of each patient should be done, they should have to check in with a doctor periodically for the doctor(s) to see if assisted suicide is really the right option for these patients. If this still isn’t enough for both sides, there should put more focus on the medical aspects of it. If society found a way to stop and prevent deadly diseases that would put an end to assisted …show more content…

Both sides are neither right nor wrong. Opposers argue about the possibility of getting misdiagnosed or the abuse that comes along with it. For those reasons that is why it is very important to have the patient themselves ask for it, along with only allowing certain certified doctors to prescribe it. Supporters are in support of it because it allows the patient to have control of their life again and not have to suffer in pain while waiting for death. People suffering should have the choice to end the pain but also, it should come with stricter laws it makes it harder to