Assisted Suicide Persuasive Speech

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Doctors and nurses are always trying to keep the patients pain level as low as possible. They want them to be as comfortable as they can be while the stages of death are occurring. The nurses can only do so much to keep the patients pain low. How can you keep someone comfortable who is having to gasp for air to breathe, cannot be touched without feeling like their bones are breaking with every touch, and coughing up blood because fluid is filling up their lungs slowly? Not only are the patients in pain, but everyone else who has to be there and witness it. Medically inducing a terminal patient in a coma has a 10% chance of ever waking up. Why not let them die in a non-suffering way? Why not let their family and friends spend the last few minutes with their love one comforting them and making sure they knew how loved they were? Other than holding the patient while they die slowly and painfully. Allowing assisted suicide to become legal in all states in the U.S. would end suffering for patients of all ages. Some people are strongly against assisted suicide becoming legal. There are many reason for this. Some are very logical reasons while others are not. On both sides of this …show more content…

Oregon’s assisted suicides are dutifully trotted by bureaucrats in a bare-bones annual report. Clever mandate of law said, “The information collected shall not be a public record and may not be made available for inspection by the public.” They say that the violators are expected to self-report themselves. Many of them do not do this because there are no penalties provided for not reporting the situation. No media can review even redacted records of the patient. The only people who can review the patient’s records are the people in the government system. They are only allowed to review a sampling of record, but not the real one. By doing this it does not verify any of the accuracy of the