
Assisted Suicide Persuasive Speech

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Do you ever feel the need to give up and quit? But has it ever been medically?
Assisted suicide is a way of stopping the medical disease that is making you suffer in a unbearable way and you feel the need to end it in a safer way such as going to sleep and not waking up. This suicide technique of medially getting put to sleep and never waking up is only legal in a few states such as California, Oregon, New Mexico, Washington, and Vermont and other places around the globe. Assisted suicide has been taken for granted in the twenty first century. The need for assisted suicide skyrocketed when people thought they were struggling when they just wanted to give up and stop trying but you should never give up and fight the terminal diseases.
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The reason people are calling it this is because they feel that dying after suffering from a terminal disease is ok but you have to stay in the fight, if you were losing a boxing match and you were just getting beat up would you quit after round nine? or would you keep on fighting till the end. What comes to your mind when you think of dying with dignity?. If you think of military or armed forces then that could be a great response but, do you think killing yourself for suffering a disease is dying with …show more content…

In 2009 a father of two young girls was diagnosed with ALS which is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis which causes you muscles to slowly get weaker and weaker until you are unable to move. His youngest daughter at the time was in 8th grade wrote a article about him that talks about how he worked and his hands where his tools and he would soon be unable to use them. After weeks of slowly becoming more weak and his family having to watch him as much as possible the had to move him into 24/7 home care because at that point he was unable to do anything by himself. On March 23rd, 2016 Lindzys dad passed away. During Lindzys fall semester in college she was working on a psychology paper and she came across Death with Dignity and she thought if her dad did not have to suffer for all those years that it might have been easier on her family and easier on her. This story is talking about how she had a loved one who struggled and she thought that it would be better if he ended before it got that bad. She had no idea about assisted suicide until after he had

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