Argumentative Essay On Birth Control

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“The first record of birth control dates back to an Egyptian manuscript written in 1550 B.C.” ( The use of birth control has been around for a very long time, it became most popular in the United States in the 60’s. Birth Control has been frowned upon by some as it has been for decades, the use of birth control can or has helped many throughout time by helping with menstruation problems and protection. According to a handful of students at Manton High School 60% say they think female teens should be on the pill for various reasons. All women go through menstruation as it is a part of being a female. But many experience things like cramps, and they can put some people through severe pain. But the pill can help with some pain, as it contains hormones to to stop the egg from being released causing period pain to be minimized. Those who have to deal with the problems of menstruation know the pain and …show more content…

Some are for and some are against it, and some really don’t care. “In a study done in 2008 of the 746,530 teen pregnancies there were 440,522 abortions throughout the nation.”(Kathryn and Stanley Henshaw) Although that abortion is legal in the United States they’re still restrictions. Some of the people who answered a survey taken a majority said that they think that if teens were put onto birth control they would it could potentially lower abortions rates all throughout America. The final reasons why females in their teen years should be on birth control is to help with teen pregnancies. “About ¾ of one million teens will become pregnant each year” (Kathryn and Stanley Henshaw), if many teens were put on birth control as teens the rate that we would soonly drop because the practice of unprotected sex would stop. If this were to happen to may create a domino effect, things like highschool students that dropout would be fewer, abortion rates may go down