Argumentative Essay On Breast Cancer

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Many women in this world go through life worrying whether they will develop breast cancer. With this said, many women routinely check themselves and consult other family members whether other women in the family has had breast cancer or not. However, having another family member having developed breast cancer does increase the risk of getting breast cancer, a lot of women can contract breast cancer along the way of life.
Breast cancer is caused through the way of DNA mutations, which can be inherited and passed from the parents, but most DNA changes are acquired throughout a woman’s life. Some of these genes do control how the body’s cells grow, how they can divide into new cells and when they die. Mutations in these genes are linked to cancer being developed. A lot of people do not realize that cancer is more often acquired, rather than passed down through generations. But, then there is the CHEK2 gene, it’s the one that is more often related to genetically inherited breast cancer and even thyroid cancer. Most of the time cancer is acquired through diet, smoking and possible …show more content…

Proto-oncogenes are the type of genes that normally help cells grow. However, when a proto-oncogene mutates or there are too many copies of it, it becomes a bad gene that can remain turned on or become activated when it’s not supposed to be activated. When this happens, the cell grows out of control and will make even more cells that will grow out of control. This can definitely lead to a woman getting breast cancer. This bad gene is called an oncogene. A proto-oncogene normally functions in a way that’s much like a car and is the throttle to get it going. It helps control how and when the cell grows and divides. An oncogene is also like a gas pedal that gets stuck down, which causes the cell to divide with no way to control it, with no key to shut it down. Then there are the suppressor genes, such as the CHEK2

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