
Argumentative Essay On Child Beauty Pageants

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The children that participate in these pageants can be as young at two, with one-year olds being rare but occurring, which is seen as far too young of an age to know why things are happening. Parents can dress them up in costumes and make up without them realizing why they are doing such a thing. This can be seen as an inability to give consent to things they do not understand. An example is of Alana Thompson, also known as "Honey Boo Boo", which is a popular child beauty pageant contestant that rose to fame on the show Toddlers and Tiaras. Before going on stage, Alana's mother makes her drink her "Go Go Juice" which is a mixture of red bull and mountain dew. This concoction "would contain the equivalent of two cups of coffee" (Goldwert). At
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