Why Are Pageants Bad

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Such glamour doesn 't come cheap. According to Dorothy Poteat, director of Southern Elite Pageants based in Chapel Hill, N.C., the very low end of the spectrum is between $400 to $500, minimum, per glitz pageant. The midrange is $1,500, but she 's seen parents drop $3,500 or more in preparations for one big day. The reason the price tag can become so heavy is the gear.

"With glitz, anything goes," says Poteat. "Rhinestones, professional hair and makeup, spray tans, fake nails ... it adds up fast. The entry fee alone varies from $50 to $500, depending on the level of the pageant." The contests also charge for competing in separate categories, such as talent and casual wear, each an additional $20 to $30. Factor in the outfits (as many as …show more content…

The overall expense for kids to participate in them is considerably lower, mainly because there is far less to buy. Most natural pageants don 't permit such artifice as spray tans and wigs. Cosmetics are spare, and clothes often come from off the rack.

Lori Lee, from Richlands, N.C., knows both glitz and natural pageants well. A former contestant herself, she 's been co-director for the Miss America preliminary circuit and a judge and director for the Miss North Carolina Sweetheart Pageants. She 's also a pageant mom: Her eldest daughter is currently going through the Miss America circuit process.

Lee prefers natural pageants, not only for aesthetic and philosophical reasons, but financial. "It is outrageous!" Lee says of the glitz pageants, which are popular in her city. "I live in a military area, and military parents don 't make a lot of money." She cites an example of Lisa, a local woman of modest means. "She spent $2,600 on her daughter 's dress. I have no idea where that money is coming from! With glitz, you have to have four jobs to pay for …show more content…

I almost did myself in -- and I make six figures! -- Lori Lee Pageant mom

A natural pageant is usually under $200 in total. "Entry fees are lower, often about $80, and you can have her wear a Sunday dress and whatever cute shoes you have in your closet," says Lee. "You don 't hire someone to do her hair, you do it yourself."

Still, Lee admits it can be easy to go overboard, even with the naturals. "I put my oldest in a pageant when she was a baby and didn 't put much money into it," says Lee. "But after the first two, I lost my head. I needed to get her a bigger, better, more expensive dress and nearly put myself into debt. I almost did myself in -- and I make six figures!"

Winning the cost-cutting crown To keep spending down, Poteat recommends parents swap dresses with other parents, and learn how to do their children 's hair, makeup and spray tans.

Lee also suggests buying pre-owned outfits on eBay or craigslist. "Don 't get wrapped up in the glitz and glamour and feel you need to have the best," says Lee "You can do it without breaking the bank. There are tons of moms who are selling the dresses, and you can pay a third the cost as new." For coaches and classes, talk to other parents for guidance on whose fees are the