Argumentative Essay On Gun Accessibility

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Gun Accessibility is the Source of Hurt for Misconducts in our Nation The debate of gun control is a worldwide phenomenon. Concepts such as authorization, accessibility, and ultimately the ownership of firearms is in desperate need of revaluation; numerous incidents are a consequence of this resided issue. Activist stand at memorials and official building positioning their thoughts on the situation. Many of these participants sway one way or the other. Those for gun rights argue that the ownership of guns is within the second amendment. My contention is that guns are simply too high powered to be allowed into the hands of the wrong person. Far too many deaths in schools, public areas, and homes have occured due to the lack of restriction …show more content…

The Second Amendment gives us the privilege to have guns. The problem with this, is that these written rules were created under different circumstances than today. The fathers intended for Americans to own guns for the sport of hunting and providing for families as well as security for themselves and their loved ones, but Americans are taking advantage of this law everyday. School shootings, robberies, and poaching are just a few examples of gun misconducts that are becoming increasingly prominent in the U.S.. A solution is found best in an article by USA. Today. Thomas Davis constructs an argument that the government should run all gun regulation the same way they do in the military. By creating higher standards of gunmanship, less irresponsible partitions will end up with a firearm, thus having less of a chance to have a misconduct. As a previous soldier, you can sense throughout his writing that his thesis is built upon his experience in military combat. He states “ Given that the military is a drug-free society, is made up of individuals who have education levels above the national norm, is closely supervised by a hierarchical and observant chain of command and is governed by its own specialized legal system capable of dealing with breaches of behavior quickly, why does the military go to such lengths to keep weapons from soldiers?”. Davis continues by statementing this: “Essentially, the answer is simple: Guns are