Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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"Guns don’t kill; shootings and mass shootings happen far too frequently in the United States, where gun violence is a major issue." Following these tragedies, the demand for gun control is frequently made to stop more violence. Gun control laws, however, are not universally seen as the best means of resolving this complex issue. Some people think restricting access to firearms may deter crime and lessen gun violence, while others think this may not be the best course of action. ` I argue that restricting access to firearms does not address the complicated issue of gun violence and that a more comprehensive strategy is needed. I believe that gun regulation is not the answer to curbing gun violence. I believe that gun regulation only helps …show more content…

Guns don’t kill people; according to logic, a gun is not sentient, and a gun has no control over when the trigger is pulled or when a bullet is loaded into the chamber. A person has to pull the trigger for a gun to fire. A person has to aim the barrel. A person has to get a gun. Guns do not have legs to move around. Guns do not have arms to aim. Guns do not have eyes to see. Guns do not have the brain to think. Guns do not have a hand to pull the trigger. Humans have eyes, arms, legs, a brain, and the ability to get a gun. Gun regulation limits the gun, not the person using it. Something that people fail to think about is that the majority of gun violence involves social, mental, and cultural factors. Regulating guns regulates the items that criminals use, not the criminals themselves. Thinking about regulating guns instead of people is a backward idea that only affects the people whom are law-abiding citizens trying to make the world a better …show more content…

Opponents of gun control frequently demand the banning of assault rifles and other weapons that can fire a large number of rounds quickly, such as military-style semi-automatic rifles, sometimes known as assault weapons. Gun control advocates contend that certain types of weapons are inappropriate for civilian use and were only intended for use by the military or law enforcement. They assert that because they can inflict great harm in a short period, such firearms are employed in mass shootings and other violent crimes. Additionally, proponents of gun control claim that outlawing specific weapons can help lower the number of fatalities in major shootings. Assault rifles, which are rifles with large magazines, have been used in many mass shootings and are associated with larger numbers of fatalities and injuries than instances involving other types of