Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence

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Levi Lane
10th Literature

Gun Violence Argumentative essay

Do you know what gun violence is? Gun Violence is Homicide, violent crimes, Attempted suicide, or When you injury someone. As an organization We should teach people how to use guns, what we should use them for and, we should have longer sentences on the charges. Also Gun Violence has gotten out of control.
Gun Violence is terrible. Gun Violence is terrible because people die every day for no reason by the gun violence that has gotten out of control in this world. Another way is that people die everyday from uneducated people that have a gun and don’t know how to use it. The third way gun violence is bad is that, People go to prison for trying to define …show more content…

The first way we can stop gun violence is we need to Educate people more about gun safety and how to use them when you are in danger. Also another way we can slow down gun violence is make the jail sentence longer if they kill, hurt, or even put some in danger with a gun. Also, We should make people who carry guns around in public to protect themselves to have a carry permit and if they don’t have one take them to court. Another quote I heard said “we can reduce the easy access to weapons.” There are a lot of ways we can use guns and not just to hurt or kill someone. The first way we can use a gun is to hunt animals for food like Deer, Ducks, Turkles, Squirrels, Beaver, Rabbit, and Elf. The second way we can use guns is shooting clay targets out of a skeet thrower when you have a party and you and your friends decide what to shoot . Also another way is you can use a gun to shoot Long distance competition shooting. The fourth way you can use a gun for a good purpose is when you are protecting yourself when you feel like you're in danger in the woods hunting or in public. The quote I found said that “Buying a gun should be like buying a car because there is so much violence in this world these

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