Homosexuality And Bisexuality

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In this contemporary society, homosexuality and bisexuality have always been a bone of contention on an international scale. Homosexuality is a “sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or people of one’s own sex”, whilst bisexuality is “person sexually responsive to either of sexes” (Defined by Dictionary.com). They are also being called LGBT, an abbreviation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Those terms respectively distinguish homosexuals and bisexuals based on their gender: female homosexual, male homosexual, either male or female bisexual and those who have the characteristics, appearances of the opposite sex (Dictionary.com). Coming of the closet, an act of openly tell people your sexual orientation (thefreedictionary.com), …show more content…

“Sissy” or “Faggot” is one of the most common terms to deteriorate the quality of a homosexual. Also there have been many cases recorded that how LGBTs are being discriminated at work place. According to Center for American Progress, there was a survey conducted by the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy, stated that “Fifteen percent to 43 percent of gay and transgender workers have experienced some form of discrimination on the job”. Simultaneously, a released study on transgender discrimination by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force revealed the appalling number of “ninety percent of transgender individuals have encountered some form of harassment or mistreatment on the job.” (Burns and Krehely, 2011, p.1). Besides, William Institute researchers found out that the ‘straight’ resumes are seemingly more accepted by employers than ‘gay’ resumes. (Burns and Krehely, 2011, p.2) With the respect of health, according to Better Health Channel, “gay men and lesbians have higher rates of mental health disorders than the rest of the population.” This could results in “obesity, smoking and unsafe alcohol and drug use”, and last but not least, LGBTs are “more likely to self-harm.” Reported in a study in Taiwan, about 1 in 5 Taiwanese gay people have committed suicide. (PinkPaper, …show more content…

It Gets Better is a non-profit internationally internet-based project founded by Dan Savage on September 21st, 2010. The project is inspired by the death of teenager committing suicide as they were bullied or harassed for being gay. Savage shared that “When a gay teenager commits suicide, its because he can’t picture a life for himself that’s filled with joy and family and pleasure and is worth sticking around for.” This project consists of videos from adult LGBTs sharing videos about their stories to teenager of how they could survive bullying and live joyfully. (tampabay.com,

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