Argumentative Essay On Human Trafficking

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It is sickening that still there are some forms of slavery. It is the twenty-first century, and alarming issues concerning slavery should not be happening. Slavery was normal and common practice in the past. However, hearing about it in the present is absurd. Recent studies indicate that almost thirty million people are victims of slavery worldwide. Romania tops the list for the third consecutive year. This is worrying; therefore, Romania’s key stakeholders and the government must take necessary action in attempting to reduce human trafficking.
Contemporary slavery in Romania happens in the form of human trafficking. Human traffickers exploit victims in several ways including sexual harassment, forced begging and forced labor (Nicola et al. …show more content…

The truth is that human trafficking affects members of the public. Citizens of Romania should form anti-trafficking coalitions aimed at warning human traffickers. Moreover, it will offer citizens an excellent opportunity to learn human trafficking red flags and their reporting.
In learning institutions, modern slavery in the form of human trafficking affects children as well. Human trafficking information should be included in the education system right from lower class levels to universities. They should have information on the potential adverse effects associated with the act. Upon reaching adulthood, they would have developed negative attitudes towards this kind of slavery. Many who could otherwise be human traffickers will deviate from such acts.
For medical providers (Mental health providers), human trafficking is real in Romania. It happens on a regular basis. Victims end up with long lasting psychological problems and other health complications. Mental health providers should offer free or subsidized health services to victims assisted by nearby anti-trafficking institutions (Chuang, 2006). It will help victims in quick recovery, which is an advantage to their

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