Human Trafficking Essay

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Timothy Hess Human Trafficking in Europe

“Human Trafficking is a disgusting crime with terrible consequences faced by both victims and traffickers” because the amount of people victim to traffickers and the fact that people have no compassion for those they harm and take. Attempts to solve the problem have been made such as communication among countries but barriers such as the difficulty of collecting data on human trafficking often prevent it from being corrected. Human Trafficking is a huge problem all around the world but especially in Europe. For years the European governments have been attempting to resolve the problem with very little improvement. Europe has one of the largest Human Trafficking markets in the entire world. It …show more content…

It seems to be a growing problem in the European continent. Data has shown that human trafficking is still a huge problem and that it still is getting worse. A study was completed that showed in the years of 2008-2010 there was an 18% increase in human trafficking in the European region. At the same time that there was a rise in human trafficking the amount of convictions for human trafficking fell by 15%. This means that as the problem has been getting worse it's we have been doing less to fix and solve the problem. People are often tricked or mislead into being taken by the promise of better paying job or talking to them on the street. One a trafficker has control of the victim they will control them by force or by deceiving them. The governments of all European Union Countries have understood for a long time that it is necessary for them to quickly solve and get rid of the problem. (Chappell)One of the best ways to solve the problem of human trafficking in Europe and even the rest of the world is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Human trafficking is a problem with many possible solutions. One of the best ways to solve the problem of human trafficking in Europe and even the rest of the world is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Prevention can be a simple as making local women’s groups and local leaders getting people to be aware in