
Persuasive Essay On Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking
Human trafficking can be considered modern-day slavery. Traffickers essentially manipulate victims through perverted relationships, close monitoring, and violence. Though there is no logical reasoning behind the sick reality of trafficking, the victims are typically pulled in due to poverty, unemployment, and lack of education (Lloyd). Because trafficking has been going on for so long and nothing has been done thus far to stop it, solutions are hard to find. Furthermore, the best way to end human trafficking is to find legitimate proof of it happening and bring it to the attention of someone who cares to stop it. The Not For Sale Campaign is a campaign that attempted to raise money in order to stop human trafficking and make it known. The campaigners discuss how millions of men, women, and children are sold into markets for sex and labor (Eriksson). This campaign appeals to sympathy by adding horrifying pictured of enslaved children in hopes to receive donations. Though Not For Sale has been added to a credible source list, there is no identification or confirmation as to where the money goes, or how the campaign is helping stop trafficking. Anyone could argue that this website has potential to stop trafficking, however, it is possible that the money is in the hands of the wrong person and this person doesn’t know how to turn the donations into progressive action. …show more content…

MTV uses "Unite" as their slogan with hopes to have the viewers come together as one to stop human trafficking and also to have the viewers educate their communities ("Freedom. IT'S EVERYONE'S RIGHT!", 2014). The technique of making the traffickers well known is a sufficient technique, however, making it known isn't going to stop it. Instead, the traffickers will most likely see the worldwide campaigns and isolate their victims

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