
Argumentative Essay On Jury Casey

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I was fourteen years old when the jury began on May 9th 2011. Even though I was young and I wasn't too sure of the things that happened because I did not watch the trial. But, I do remember my mom talking about it and I also remember it being on tv a whole lot, in the headlines keeping everyone updated on what was going on.

Honestly, it's very hard to be open minded when there's a case about a child being murdered. There be so many questions as to "Why this happened?", it's just not easy to understand how someone could hurt a child. Bloom's categories of question are a theory to understand "Why do we ask questions?" The first one is to recall, which means describe, identify, who, when, and where. Casey was a young mother who lived in Orlando Florida with her mom, dad, and two-year-old daughter. On July 15, 2008 Casey's mother reported Caylee was missing and the trunk of her car smelled like death. Casey even claimed that she was kidnapped by the nanny. …show more content…

Reading an article, it was stated that when Casey found out she was pregnant, she hid her pregnancy from her parents until she begins show. A friend of her mentioned after the birth of Caylee she would give her up for adoption. Hearing these accusations can sum up the reason for Caylee's death. During the trial Casey had various of stories as to what happened to her child, but none of them made any sense and were false. People couldn’t understand if her child was missing, Casey should've called the police and filed a report and try to look for her instead of waiting for thirty

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