Casey Anthony Remember Me

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There have never really been answers about what happened with Casey Anthony when her daughter went missing. A new book is now out about Anthony that was written by Dominic Casey, a private eye the family hired. This new book tells a lot about the case from what he found while investigating Casey Anthony and trying to figure out what happened to her daughter Caylee. Radar Online shared what this new book will reveal. This book actually claims that Casey Anthony drove around with her daughter in the car for five days before getting rid of the body.

The book says that Casey Anthony spent some time online searching for various things on Monday June 16, 2008. She was looking up things about suicide and suffocation. The book shares that next Casey …show more content…

Of course, Casey never admitted to any of this happening. This is all information that he discovered during investigating Casey Anthony, while trying to help her family find out what happened to Caylee and get some closure.

If you are interested in all of the details that this private investigator is sharing, then you will want to read the new Casey Anthony book. It is already available on Amazon and it is called Privilege Waived - Part II: Remember Me? This book will reveal a lot more about Casey Anthony than just what has been shared already. The book is available to read for free. Of course Casey hasn 't shared her thoughts on the book or what it has to say about her and probably never will speak out. This is not the first book he has wrote and probably won 't be the last either about Casey Anthony.

The reviews on this book about Casey Anthony are great and it sounds like you can learn a lot from it. A person named HappyMomof2 gave the book a great review and makes it sound like you will learn a lot about the Casey Anthony case that you never heard

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