Argumentative Essay On Margaret Sanger

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Margarete Sanger was the first to come up with birth control. She was really strong about having birth control available for woman back in 1914-1921. Women back then were not allowed to have birth control, most didn’t know it existed. Sanger wanted women to know about this, she started a league and named it "American Birth Control League". Sanger eventually teamed up with others to have this available. Finally in 1960 they approved the bill for contraceptive use. Five years after (1965) more than 6.5 million women in the U.S used the birth control pills.
Out of the 50 states in the United States only 45 of them require you to have a prescription for you to be able to use birth control. While some women argue that it should stay that way the …show more content…

In order for you to have a prescription you need to see a doctor, which if you don’t have any sort of health insurance you will have to pay doctors visit plus the price of the birth control. "A 2010 survey found that more than a third of female voters have struggled to afford prescription birth control at some point in their lives, and as a result, used birth control inconsistently." Using your birth control inconsistently wont really doing anything for you. In order for your birth control to function it has to be used constantly or else it really does not matter if you use it or not since it will not be helping or doing any effect on you. Doctors visits start from $75 and starts its way up plus the birth control which can approximately be in between $15 to $50 a month. Usually having this yo will have to see a doctor every 3 months (which is 4 times a year) and that is $300 if doctor visit is the lowest which is $75. The money you can be spending on birth control per year can be $180-$600. Having it available to you with out having to see a doctor would be so much cheaper! You can earn those $300 plus there can be a possibility of having the birth control pills, shots, etc. available to you at a less cost than what it would be with a